Board Members

Board of Governors


These long time friends and benefactors bring expertise from many fields
that will guide and benefit The Thalians and our fundraising efforts.

With deep gratitude,
The Thalians

Join the Board of Governors

We are proud to have achieved over sixty years of service to our community. We expect to continue our services, and expand them, well into the next fifty years, and we can use your help.

Members of the Board of Governors serve on other boards: business, charitable, political, and more. This experience is invaluable to The Thalians. We seek new ideas and new leadership to catapult our organization into the future.

Candidates are welcome. Each candidate should have a proven track record of success with a broad sphere of influence. Responsibilities include advising and assisting our Board of Directors regarding the ways and means of broadening the mission, funding of ongoing and new programs, and identifying new support sources. Term of membership is planned for three years, but can be flexible. There will be two meetings of the Board of Governors each year.

Governors will be asked to raise or contribute or render in services $25,000 a year. Many of our governors have far exceeded this request.

To get started and to join, please contact The Thalians at (818) 792-4510.

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Ruta Lee and Bill Anton at The Thalians Holiday Party At Bel Air Country Club

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John Mirisch, Jackie Rosenberg, and Kira Reed Lorsch at The Thalians  ‘Holiday Brunch Spectacular’
Executive Board
President Frank Sheftel
President Emeritus Debbie Reynolds
Chairman of the Board Dr. Irwin Lehrhoff
Chairwoman of the Board Emeritus Ruta Lee
Treasurer Andrew McDonald
Recording Secretary Stephanie J. Hibler
Board Member Rico Anderson
Board Member Patrika Darbo
Board Member Joely Fisher
Board Member Tricia Lee Fisher
Board Member Kathy Garver
Board Member Jacqueline Lewis
Executive Board
Frank Sheftel
President Emeritus
Debbie Reynolds
Chairman of the Board
Dr. Irwin Lehrhoff
Chairwoman of the Board Emeritus
Ruta Lee
Andrew McDonald
Recording Secretary
Stephanie J. Hibler
Board Member
Rico Anderson
Board Member
Patrika Darbo
Board Member
Joely Fisher
Board Member
Tricia Lee Fisher
Board Member
Kathy Garver
Board Member
Jacqueline Lewis
Ambassadors Past & Present
America’s Astronauts ABC7 – George Pennacchio
Ann-Margret Wallis Annenberg
Burt Bacharach Patricia & William B. Anton
Carol Burnett Joni Berry
Carol Channing Marc Cherry
Gary Damsker Phyllis Diller
Clint Eastwood Jerold Franks
Joely Fisher Tricia Leigh Fisher
Sally Field Gloria & John Gebbia
Whoopi Goldberg Angela Lansbury
Gayle Levine Marilyn Lewis
Robert H. Lorsch Shirley MacLaine
Laura & David McKenzie Paula Kent Meehan
Liza Minnelli Mary Tyler Moore
Sir Roger Moore Jean Martin Nelson
Hugh O’Brian * Eileen O’Neill
Kenny Rogers Connie Stevens
Margaret Whiting *
Ambassadors Past & Present
America’s Astronauts
ABC7 – George Pennacchio
Wallis Annenberg
Burt Bacharach
Patricia & William B. Anton
Carol Burnett
Joni Berry
Carol Channing
Marc Cherry
Clint Eastwood
Gary Damsker
Phyllis Diller
Joely Fisher
Sally Field
Jerold Franks
Tricia Leigh Fisher
Whoopi Goldberg
Gloria & John Gebbia
Angela Lansbury
Gayle Levine
Marilyn Lewis
Robert H. Lorsch
Shirley MacLaine
Laura & David McKenziee
Paula Kent Meehan
Liza Minnelli
Mary Tyler Moore
Sir Roger Moore
Jean Martin Nelson
Hugh O’Brian *
Eileen O’Neill
Kenny Rogers
Connie Stevens
Margaret Whiting *

* Past Presidents